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Kisah Indahku

Love story (short course)Since it first entered junior high I have not been able to uncover ma feeling like an idol of the heart despite already feel the ideal female figure ma love me.High school because they had already emboldened myself because of insistence of friends who secured himself for he (my friend) that preferred by Sidia but because my friends do not want to go out with this girl so she would if I was going out with sicewek. Courtship during sebulanpun I went through smoothly without any communication until the end. Still felt there is "a first impression going out" without ever way alone to a place that is special. Ketemuannya only at school and sms's are only about 3-7 times a day the monotone message. Because maybe the girl is bored with me (who first pacaranan) was he (already the umpteenth time) felt strange to me that no less romantic and incredible tricks in lovemaking.And in college I've tried on their own states of love and walk a few years, only to end before the lecture ended, the fun was also a relationship of love. It wrote that I would describe it as the end in college.

Although it has been established in love, but it's not perfect because the former luxury while I was actually not what is right for me. There is still a desire to change it according to my will, but I can not do. The girl who is always learning and want to continue to learn and less influenced by the outside world, or rather berpoya hedon-Poya because that's the most abstinence for me. I am looking for a mediocre with all his extraordinary.Well short of those who have been close to me, probably because of less Sidia provide color in hidupuku so there is no passion for him, but just learning and socializing, so I gave him what he expected, but sincerity is difficult.thank you


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